the centrestack unicorn explained

connectwise integration demo

We tried all the popular alternatives like Soonr and Anchor, but none of them provided CentreStack’s deep Windows integration and elegant support for existing file shares and NTFS permissions. CentreStack is truly the unicorn it claims to be!
— Craig Anderson, CEO NSR Business Solutions


  • Access your files anywhere from any device.
  • Share files with anyone.
  • Access file servers remotely without a VPN.
  • Use existing file shares and NTFS permissions.
  • Provide customers with mapped drives and offline access
  • Provide customers with a better alternative to OneDrive, Google Drive and Dropbox.

According to IDC, business file sync and share is one of the, if not the most, popular cloud service with SMB-sized customers. However, it is often the cause of shadow IT–related problems and unsanctioned company data access. 

As a result, two groups of customers have formed. The first is content to stick with their existing file servers to avoid the risks associated with cloud migration and the potential loss of security, compliance or control, while the second is willing to embrace the convenience and productivity gains promised by business file sync and share services despite these potential risks.

CentreStack therefore approaches business file sync and share as the 'cloudification' of existing file servers in one of two primary ways. Either an existing file server will be presented as cloud storage to remote users (without the involvement of third party clouds or VPNs) or the data and security settings on the file server will be migrated to the cloud. In either case, you end up with all the features you need for secure, compliant, controlled file sync and share without sacrificing usability or performance. 

CentreStack can increase your profits from Office365 deployments that don’t offer centralized folder management or scalable sync performance. CentreStack addresses these issues with technologies like On-Demand Synchronization and centralized folder management based on traditional, NTFS controls. It satisfies the secure access and sharing needs of the modern, mobile workforce, while maintaining the control, security, scalability and performance of traditional, on-premise windows file sharing platforms. The net result is a smooth transition to the cloud without the need to retrain users and administrators.

CentreStack’s remote access to file servers provided immediate, measurable productivity gains by reducing our open rate for VPN tickets to zero! The CentreStack team has come up with an impressive offering that is well supported and frequently enhanced.
— Blake Underwood, Nemsys CEO and HTG member

manage connectwise documents

Enhanced document management enhances productivity as employees view, edit and share your ConnectWise documents.

Enhanced document management enhances productivity as employees view, edit and share your ConnectWise documents.

  • Instant previews of selected document.
  • Edit documents in ConnectWise using local applications or web applications.
  • Collaborate with file locking, versioning, notifications and more.
  • Share files with anyone.

make money with centrestack

  • Enable file sync and share for each of your customers in minutes.
  • Offer your customers a better alternative to OneDrive, Dropbox and Google Drive.
  • Use billing and agreements to generate monthly invoices.

complete management integration

  • Manage all your file sync and share customers within ConnectWise.
  • Access all CentreStack management functions from ConnectWise.

get started in minutes

  • Integration is easily configured from the CentreStack partner portal.
  • Integration supports hosted and self-hosted ConnectWise partners.